Thursday, December 30, 2010

Catching Up with Giving Thanks

Birthday Blessings
Centi Anni, Mickey & Mother!
The nearly finished first semester at school has been challenging. Flexible is our word for the year, and by the end of this last construction move, well, let's just say we tested our mettle. With budgets, mid-markings, 2 holidays, and a surprise move in the offering, it was so easy to get behind with the things that matter: staying connected with your life. We celebrated, to our credit, my mother's birthday early at her favorite place, Little Italy Italian Food Store and Restaurant in Phillipsburg, NJ. It's a one-of-a-kind-place, charming by any standard. Delicious aromas waft as you enter, and homespun hospitality and Southern Italy accented speech abounds.

Mother is 87 years young, and on these photos, I think she has never looked better. I think you will agree as you watch this slideshow celebrating her milestone birthday (after her bouts with surgery and conditions, every birthday is a milestone).

Mother's Birthday Celebration from RJ Stangherlin on Vimeo.

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Holiday Happiness

Peter, Kennie, and Ken cooking
Life is good. Holidays were even better. We began the family celebrations at my husband's daughter's home with a feast. Let me tell you, a food fest is always in store for anyone invited to their parties. Ken stayed up for 14 hours to smoke the 17-pound brisket that was the main course. God bless. What made everything special for me was the inclusion of our daughter Debi and son Jacob. An energetic eight-year-old, Jacob really made Christmas an event. We're still LOL from his delightful insertions into the day with classic one liners (you didn't clap) and singing carols. What a wonderful holiday shared with family.

Christmas at Carol's 2010 from RJ Stangherlin on Vimeo.

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Playtime for the Puppy

Playtime is training time with Jen, Allie and Kendall
Social interaction among dogs is an important part of their growth and development. At least once a month, Jennifer Brinson and I try to arrange a playdate for our dogs. Kendall, a Golden Retriever, five years old and a therapy dog teaches Allie, our Black Lab, how to be a well-mannered dog. They are both sweet-tempered dogs with pleasing dispositions. While they play, we dine at a favorite restaurant, then return to supervise and enjoy. Here's our most recent playdate, which always includes a visit to the llamas because Tess always knows when Jen's on the farm.

Playtime for the Puppies from RJ Stangherlin on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas Musings from The Farm

So proud of our grand/kids
Christmas came and went, all too quickly for me, but lovely memories linger. For the first time in 3 years, out entire family was together. Although our numbers have dwindled over the years, our loved ones were with us in spirit. Having both children home for the holidays was wonderful; if Debi's husband Bart could have joined us, it would have been perfect. Unfortunately, he is hyperallergic to animals, and they abound at the farm. Three generations of family joined us, and what a time we had.