2 100 degree days + 1 day of 98 degrees = 3 days of horrendous weather for the girls. When I took this photo, it was 8 AM and 92 degrees and climbing, 3 days ago. Almost unbearable, but the girls were troopers. Instinctively, they know what to do. As their keeper, I just needed some common sense and followed their lead. And I did what Carol Reigh taught me. It worked.
3 Things (I Learned):
- I learned I can hose the girls without help; at some p
oint they just got used to the hosing and liked it. I'm not so sure I did. Exhausted, checking every 45 minutes, changing water, hosing. 3 showers a day. The heat got to me. Fortunately, it did not harm the girls.
- Getting the perfect length hose and an incredible hose fixture made keeping the girls cool and calm easy.
- Teri Conroy multitasks. How she does everything and can take photos and make movies while doing so still escapes me. I'm working on it.
Carol Reigh
Teri Conroy
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