Saturday, May 2, 2009

Llama Shopping

Was it Alice (in Wonderland) or a different fictional character who coined the expression about getting "behinder and behinder." Whoever it was, that's where I'm living right now, in a place of catch up, blissfully happy that hubby is still sleeping and the farm is quiet so I can catch up. Lost time is lost time, but I live on a philosophy of found time. I always keep one clock an hour ahead in home, barn, and cars, although at times, it does cause problems (if being ahead of time is problematic...). Enough ramblings.

My buddy Brinson (I would say BFF but it has a different subtext for a group of us; some of you reading this will get it) and I ventured to Buck Hollow Llamas to visit with Carol and her beautiful llamas. I define a best friend in many ways, and all of them lead back to Brinson, but one of the things I love best about her is her flexibility. She shifted plans and came with me to llama shop. Her instincts with animals (people too) are rock-solid sound (redundant but love the sibilant alliteration), so I coaxed and wheedled her into joining me after school. Initially, I was interested in a 9-month old female, but now I seem more captivated by 2 three-week old (perhaps 4 now) crias.

President Adams in a letter to his wife on July 3, 1776 mentioned his apprehension for the future and his concerns about the people, stating that "only time will tell." Time will out always, so it will be interesting to see how these 2 lovely crias develop and where my heart will take me.

For all of my new friends from Carol and Doug's Open Barn, I promise to make a movie and post it soon, but other blogs waiting to be written dance in my head, looking for that found time to post them.

Turbo Tagger

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