One of my concerns coming into summer was the amount of time I could spend with my girls. Then I was diagnosed with pneumonia, and my recovery has been slow but steady. At the time of the diagnosis and during a four-day stay at the hospital, I was reading In This Mountain by Jan Karon. The takeaway gem--and there are many--was a four-sentence sermon: "In everything celebrate goodness." I must admit it was a stretch to find the goodness to celebrate, at least initially, but I am celebrating. I am celebrating giving in and giving up on things. Giving in to relaxation, quality time with my husband and family, and unwinding with the girls. Try moving a chair into the stall and then wait. The girls come exploring, you, the curlers in your hair, the chair, the air that moves...but they're there. And with patience, they will kush down and put their heads in your lap, and you get to breathe in that great llama breath (not joking here--they do smell wonderful). Giving up on lists, stress, and control (being the boss is not what it's cracked up to being, trust me on that one). I am taking life in stride, enjoying the simple things, and deferring the onerous (I will get that CFF course done because I understand the stakes, but not this week). In many ways, when I reflect on my best summers, I suspect this one will top the list.
The Farm
Buck Hollow Llamas
In This Mountain
Jan Karon
Turbo Tagger
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